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The World Has Gone Pear Shaped by Tine Bech Studio
Shine Your Colours
The World Has Gone Pear Shaped By Tine Bech Studio
The World Has Gone Pear Shaped By Tine Bech Studio. Photo Graham Fotherby
TheWorldhasGonePearShaped-TineBechStudio–Photo-TineBech-1The World Has Gone Pear Shaped By Tine Bech StudioThe World Has Gone Pear Shaped By Tine Bech Studio. Photo Graham Fotherby
About the artwork

Created by Tine Bech Studio, this 6-meter inflatable sculpture is created with NASA photos of earth.
Originally co-commissioned by Light Night Leeds touring to Nightfall , and Illuminate Oldham. Part of  Light Up the North

Imagine a large-scale planet that is pear-shaped, provoking us to think.

The World Has Gone Pear Shaped is a playful take on the dystopias of our time. It asks: Where are we now? What have we done to the earth? And what possible futures do we want to create?

The project highlights how humankind is altering the Earth by creating a 6-meter-tall inflatable sculpture of our planet morphed into a pear, using NASA open-source 3D high-resolution images of planet Earth—with many details of our beautiful planet visible.

Seeing our planet floating in space gave us a new perspective on ourselves. But we need a new perspective on the planet! Can we change our relationship with our planet and get it back into shape?

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