Lightbug Magic Garden video
Watch a short film about Lightbug creating a magic garden.
Lightbug Magical Garden explores the playground of the future with a digitally enhanced swing that brings responsive light, colour and sound to festivals and events and future playgrounds.
It invites people of all ages to play through digital interactivity. Working with light, rhythm and sound to create an interactive welcoming environment. As people swing, they start to take over and control lights in the area – lighting up trees with colour and creating a magical garden.
The playground swing is one of life’s simplest pleasures. Feeling your suspended body move through space, rising and falling in a fixed arc that flows first with then against, the pull of gravity, is both thrilling and reassuring. It remains a peerless, timeless invention and an open invitation to play, for children and adults alike.
That’s why I created Lightbug. It’s a magical, interactive reinvention of the swing that brings additional dimensions of light, colour and sound to the experience. By imbuing the intuitive, classic structure with facets of new digital and interactive technologies, the swing takes on a character and personality that can be developed by the ‘swinger’. Using sensors embedded in the structure which respond to presence, modes of use and methods of play, and using game mechanics developed by the artist, Lightbug takes the art of the swing to the next level to show us a glimpse of the future of the creative playground and create a truly immersive and mesmerising experience that will thrill and delight children and adults of all ages.
To see a video about the development of Lightbug go to Lightbug here.