Q&A with Entrepreneur-in-Residence Tine Bech
Cass’ Entrepreneur in Residence, Tine Bech talks us through her time at the school and how play is important to society.
How did your partnership with Cass come about?
Through Creativeworks London and its Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funded Creative Entrepreneur in Residence scheme. It was a great opportunity to work with people outside the creative industries and outside creative arts and design education. I was also keen to grow my own business learning curve.
What have you been doing in your time here?
Engaging with and being inspired by the people I met across the university to develop something specifically for Cass and City University.
How can play influence business?
I believe that play is important to society as a whole, including business, it is part of our social fabric, of how we bond. In the context of my work, I don’t define play as about children. I view play culturally and as part of adaptation. Our own evolution and survival as a species shows the centrality of play. Play and risk are closely related, we learn how to deal with risk through play – through exploration, testing and learning. Play is also a method for thinking which can lead to innovation.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I am very inspired by site and place, the city, and how we move through places and connect including serendipity. Also I am inspired by materials, by things of beauty.
Creative Entrepreneur in Residence at Cass Business School, City University London. Funded by Creativeworks London, an AHRC funded Knowledge Hub