V&A Digital Programme showing Catch Me Now
Catch me Now by Tine Bech
V&A (Victoria and Albert Museum)
Sackler Centre, Design Week
20th – 26th September 2010
Catch me now by Tine Bech is a unique interactive spotlight, which plays with the audience. A small spot light is moving randomly around on its own, until the audience catches the light when the light stops and opens up to the user in a play of light. The focus is moved to the audience, the playful light when caught will grow, enabling the person to step into the light and take centre stage, encouraging participation and possibilities for play and performance.
Programmed by Tarim.
Drop by to meet Tine Bech during Digital Design Weekend the 25 and the 26th where you can make your own your own light drawing or participate in a big unique digital binary light portrait.
If you miss it you can see Catch Me Now at the Watermans from 1st Sep – Fri 22nd Oct as part of the exhibition Unleashed Devices