Kinetic Storyteller opens at SIGGRAPH 2016 Art Gallery, USA LA
Kinetic Storyteller is a new interactive artwork by Tine Bech Studio. Working with engineer Louis Christodoulou Tine has created another playful environment for social interaction consisting of a pair of swings next to each other.
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery: Data Materialities
Art Gallery Chair Jonah Brucker-Cohen
Networks, information, and data constantly surround us. Data Materialities exhibition exposed this plethora of data and transformed it to incarnations of tangibility that not only showcase their complexity, but also allow us to relate to them on a human scale. By injecting humor and kinetic energy to their exposition, the gallery makes light of these data platforms and presents them on a grand scale to reveal their ubiquity.
Artwork and artists for the SIGGRAPH 2016 Art Gallery were selected by the Art Gallery Chair and not by a jury. Supported by Leonardo and The MIT Pres. SIGGRAPH is the world’s largest, most influential annual event in computer graphics and interactive techniques.